
Kim, You do raise a lot of valid points about protecting your software.
However we must also keep in mind that over protection makes a software
very difficult to use. Unless we balance the two there will not be any

Kim Steinhaug wrote:

Robert has some interesting thoughts aswell here.

I just wanted to complement the stuff about securing your scripts.

Zend has Zend Encoder, rather expensive - and with windows GUI.
IonCube also has encoder, much more affordable, CommandLine.

The first encodes and optimizes your code, and your server has
2 have the Zend Optimizer installed on its system for it to run. This
has shown in history to be complicated on some ISP, who never
gets their finger out and can install this. But usually, 4/5 it goes well.

www.ioncube.com / www.ioncube.co.uk
This one compiles and encrypts and optimizes (I think). It requires
a module installed on the server, but -> It can also run on most
modern apache systems where it installs on the fly (the decoder).
Ive just purchased the licence for this product myself, and it looks
really promising. Benchmarks on their page also shows that this
software accually beats the Zend Encoder, and the price is far better
to, :)

If you are developing some sort of software, you should always protect it
so that :

1) Your competitors / resellers doesnt fuck you over by "selling" without
   you knowing it, or "fix" your code to fit their needs without you
   credit /payd for it.
2) Your customers doesnt play "developers" and try jerking your scripts,
   which in the long run gives you alot of extra support time as the
   go bugging out.

Happy programming!

Raditha Dissanayake.
http://www.radinks.com/sftp/         | http://www.raditha.com/megaupload
Lean and mean Secure FTP applet with | Mega Upload - PHP file uploader
Graphical User Inteface. Just 150 KB | with progress bar.

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