reply without trying your code:

You might need suexec to achieve this, else i don't belive one user can
set the cron jobs for another user. Remember apache is usually running as a non privileged user.

Andres Villalobos Camacho wrote:

Sorry. The problem is that I cannot get the "crontab" command executed.
I did try with the backsticks, but it didn't work either.
I have different users, login in to the website using phpSecurePages,
how can I let them change their "crontab"? Is my approach too wrong??
Any ideas??

On Fri, 2003-11-14 at 16:06, Chris Hayes wrote:

At 22:52 14-11-2003, you wrote:

I'm trying to give users the chance to modify its cron from a webform.
The webform let's the users choose the day, month and minutes after
hour, then, using PHP I made one long string and save it into a file
($tmpnam), it looks like this:

$content = "$min $hour $day * * /tmp/parse_maillog.sh"; //I obtain $min
$hour & $day earlier in my webform
$tmpfname = tempnam ("/tmp/mail", "$username_crontab.txt");
$handle = fopen($tmpfname, "w");
fwrite($handle, $content);

system("crontab -u $username $username_crontab.txt");
Debugging this part I found that the file is OK, the problem is with the
"system" function, obviously a "user" problem, how can I fix it?? any
ideas?? I use phpSecurePages as an authentication system.

You forgot to tell what the problem is.

Does the crontab command work when you try to parse it directly?

Wasn't there something in the manual about using `bacticks` instead of "quotes" with the system command?

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