You've been quite helpful for which I thank you very much!
I found an article in introducing NCTLS - a class that checks
the preferred languages and looks for a language file untill it finds a
match - now I have it up and running ;-)

There's one more issue that bothers me... :
On my site I have to use both german umlauts (ü for example) and
cyrillic (windows-1251) charset - IE handles them perfectly but NS either
shows windows-1251 chars correctly (when you switch to that encoding of
course) or umlauts, but only if the encoding is iso-88591 in which case I
loose the cyrillic symbols.
What can I do about this?

Gustav Foseid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Atanas Vassilev:
> > I formed my include like this:
> > include "lang_".$HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE.".INC";
> This will not work properly. Firts of all, youmight get a request from
> someone having another language set in their preferences. You can also
> more than one language set, in my requests HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE is set to
> "no, en, sv".
> --
> Gustav Foseid, Initio IT-løsninger AS
> --
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