Hello again guys, thanks for the help over the past 48 hours :)

Over the past week i have had the job of tweaking the php pages of a friends
site.  so far so good :)

Now i am onto the admin area for running the website.  I downloaded one of
the many db managers scripts from
Luckly its a very simple app, easy to mod.  Anyways most of my php knowledge
is in conjuction with flash  most of the
problems i have had here have been fairly simple to learn and fix.

Now the job this week is with php+html (total newbie to this area). most of
the problems i have been able to fix with some help from here as well.

~This is the admin area.  I manged to get the drop down menu working to
select the revelent table and then set $tablename with the result being
displayed in the next page as:
print "MyAdmin database for <i>$tablename</i> table";
The new page has 4 links to load other php files to edit,delete, view, and
add new data to the DB
On the links have:
<a href="edit.php?tablename=$tablename">View database</a><br>

~Now in the edit.php i have :
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $tablename")or die("couldnt select

$tablename is not being passed with the link.

What am i missing?


This question is another one of those twice daily ones.

Burhan Khalid
"Documentation is like sex: when it is good,
 it is very, very good; and when it is bad,
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