I am having a user enter a phrase into a textbox, and then I need to 
seperate the words he has typed into variables so I can use each one 
in an sql statement.  I know I will use the explode() function to do this, 
but how will I know how many variables I've created.  For instance, if a 
user types in 3 words seperated by spaces, how will I know i'll have 
var[0] through var[2]?  how about when they type in 2 words or 4 words?  
How will I know how many words they have typed in?  The only way I can 
think of to do this is:

// $var is the input after being ran through explode()

$i = 0;
while ($var[$i])

I will then take the data they enter and create the sql statement:

$j = 0;

$sql = "select subject from subfile where";

while ($j <= $i)
$sql .= "suject matches '*$var[$j]*'";

if ( $j != $i)
$sql .= " and ";

but I think there has to be a better way to do this.  any ideas?

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