Hi Bill,
Bill of Bill's qmail toaster I presume.Your article was pretty good.

I have seen a few cases where sessions gave problems when the session
tmp dir wasn't set in php.ini Not sure if that's the cause of your
problem though.

Bill Shupp wrote:

On Nov 17, 2003, at 4:49 PM, Bill Shupp wrote:


I'm trying to use the program execution functions (like exec, system, passthru, etc) with tcpclient (from Dan Bernstein's ucspi-tcp command line tools), but get this error in the apache log with all of them:

tcpclient: fatal: unable to set up descriptor 7: file descriptor not open

Any idea why this descriptor is not accessible? Here's what I'm running:

Apache/1.3.28 (Darwin) PHP/4.3.2

Ok, I have discovered that this ONLY occurs when I have started a session with session_start(). So, I'm assuming that session_start is using file descriptor 7. Is there a way to control this?


Bill Shupp

Raditha Dissanayake.
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