Lists wrote:

I have a db in sql, and I need a php/mysql query/command to copy the entire db (schema and data) to a new db. I know how to do this with a table, but I can not figure out how to do this with a whole db. I also know that I could do it using mysql dump, but I don't want to have to run a shell command.

You'll need to do it with PHP...

Here's one method...


//connect to database
$database = 'xxx'; //name of database to copy
$ndatabase = 'yyy'; //name of new database

mysql_query("CREATE DATABASE $ndatabase");

$rs = mysql_query("SHOW TABLES FROM $database");
while($r = mysql_fetch_row($rs))
  $rs2 = mysql_query("SHOW CREATE TABLE {$r[0]}");
  $ctable = myqsl_result($rs,0);
  mysql_query("INSERT INTO {$r[0]} SELECT * FROM {$database}.{$r[0]}");

Untested... but should work (when run as a user with suitable permissions). :)

---John Holmes...

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