On Sat, 2003-11-22 at 13:57, Pieter wrote:
> I recently started coding online and i have the weirdest response, my code is: 
> <?php
> include 'function.inc';
> echo "$id<br>";
> print (gettype($id));
> if ($id = "add" )
> {
> echo "is add";
> exit;
> }
> if ($id = "own" )
> {
> echo "id is own";
> exit;
> }
> if ($id = "all" )
> {
> echo "id is all";
> exit;
> }
> ?>
> $id in this case  = "own", but it totally ignores this value and uses the first if 
> statement and treats $id as if it has a value of "add". I am very frustrated and i 
> really hope someone can help me. The server is linux, and php version 4.1.2
> Thanks

Don't use = use ==
By using the = you are assigning $id to that value making the if
statement always true. 

The compare one to the other use == instead
"I have a photographic memory. I just forgot the film" --Unknown
Ryan Thompson

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