Hey  - this one should be simple.

I am parsing some data and have $_GET variables in the URL stipulating on
which record to start and how many records to display (these then get basses
to the limit command in my database query).

So here is the catch. I am trying to make a page navigation menu (we have
all seen them, "Page: 1 2 3..."), and I would like to continue doing this
via the URL variables.  Right now, each of the page numbers is a hyper link
is set like this:

"page.php?".$_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]."&more variables here."

The problem, however, is that those variables are a string. If the variables
that the menu defines are already in the string, it doesn't update them, it
just adds more definitions to the URL.

How have you people dealt with this? I am sure that there is some elegant
solution and I would love to know what it is.

Thanks in advance!

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