I'm pondering on a problem here. Being a C/C++, Java and Visual Basic
developer, the aspect of reverse engineering code from (compiled)
programs, hasn't occupied my mind that much.
Now, developing PHP scripts on large scale I have started to think
otherwise. How do you all secure your code? I'd really appreciate if
someone could give me the bare and gritty specifics on how it is
possible to protect server side scripts such as PHP..

It depends on what your definition of security is! :)

Actually this is very much a hot-button topic in PHP circles. Many use
code obsfuscators. There is at least one very young PHP compiler
(priadoblender). Several folks place copyright/left/center data in each

I guess it comes down to asking, "what is it you wish to protect?". Many
PHP developers who compile (pun intended) large projects/products
release them as open-source, so they have no desire to hide code. 

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