Just now discussion was going on for new line - the same worked for me (I
used string replace)

Live Server : Linux / MySQL / PHP

There is a field called 'Address' (textarea) -  mysql stores \n for carriage
return. Now from current disussion thread i know i can remove this with
something like <br> (may be something else also)

I want to export this to csv file. PHPMyAdmin 2.0 version has one option to
convert to csv with delimiter e.g ';' .

On my computer (Windows)

If I do not use string replace command then '\n'  goes as a new row. If i
replace it with <br> then it appears in the Excel that is also I do not

Is there any better way so that '\n' does not come out as new row - but do
not want to make use of <br> as this will appear, please suggest,


When i open it in Excel now that \n becoms a new row which i do not want

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