"Jason Wong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> On Saturday 29 November 2003 23:15, Eric wrote:
> > I have a small problem about loading fonts with imageloadfont()
> >
> > I have copyed fonts with the extension .fon or .ttf to the same
> > as my script, and i give them the font as an argument:
> >
> > $font = imageloadfont('arial.ttf');
> >
> > But i just keep getting the message:
> > Warning: imageloadfont(): Error reading font in c:\program files\apache
> > group\apache\htdocs\gd_test.php on line 35
> >
> > Does anyone know how to properly load fonts into gd, without getting
> > error message?
> Try using the full, absolute path to the font.
> -- 
> Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates -> www.gremlins.biz
> Open Source Software Systems Integrators
> * Web Design & Hosting * Internet & Intranet Applications Development *
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> There is no such thing as the "right feed
> -- Murphy's Horse Laws n18
> */

I have already tried that:


i also tried:


I ALSO tried this:


and that didn't work either....

So I'm unfortunately still stuck.


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