On Sat, 2003-11-29 at 19:29, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I'm soory but your code doesn't make me understand what you want to do...
> Be more precise, it will help you to get some help
> > I have this code, I would like, if this could be done
> >
> > <?
> > $array['dim1']['dim2']['dim3'][3] = "value";
> >
> > $dim1 = 'dim1';
> > $dim2 = 'dim2';
> > $dim3 = 'dim3';
> > $dim4 = 3;
> >
> > $test = "[$dim1][$dim2][$dim3][$dim4]";
> > $result = "$array$test";
> >
> > echo $result;
> > ?>
> >
> > The output is : Array[dim1][dim2][dim3][3]
> >
> > I need that the output was: value

$test = $array[$dim1][$dim2][$dim3][$dim4];


$test = 'some text '.$array[$dim1][$dim2][$dim3][$dim4].' more text.';

or (untested since I never use this style):

$test = "some text {$array[$dim1][$dim2][$dim3][$dim4]} more text.";

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