Sophie Mattoug wrote:
> Adam i Agnieszka Gasiorowski FNORD wrote:
>>      I'm trying to develop a regex for matching  with preg_match_all, I
>> want to match such things  like image name, image alt text, image
>> title in  construct like this: 
>> ....html...
>> <div class="class" style="style">
>>  <img src="img=name" alt="alt" title="title" />  <span class="class"
>>   style="style"> text
>>  </span>
>> </div>
>> ....html...
>> The rexex as for now is:
>> define(
>>         '{ (?:<\s*img\s+src\s*=\s*(?:"|\')?\s*(?:img)?\s*=\s*)
>       #  <img>
>>         (?>\b\S+\b)
>       # name
>>         (?:title\s*=\s*(?:"|\'))
>       # title
>>         (?>\b\S*\b)
>>         (?:"|\')*\s*
>>         (?:alt\s*=\s*(?:"|\'))
>       # alt
>>         (?>\b\S*\b)
>>         (?:"|\')*\s*
>>         (?:\"|\'|>|/>|\s)
>       # <img />
>>         }Uix'
>>      );

My approach would be "somewhat something good from both worlds" it IS
possible to match an entire image tag with preg_match_all:

        /<img (\s*(alt|src|style|title|name)=\s*"([^"]*)"\s*)*\/?>/i

Of course, this is not tested .. but should come at least a bit close to
what you want ...


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