Justin Hendrickson <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    on Friday, December 05, 2003 5:51 AM said:

> Does anyone have an eloquent way to strip redundant whitespace without
> harming whitespace inside <pre>, <textarea> or <script> tags? I'd like
> to post-filter my HTML before returning it to the client and I'm not
> all that great with regular expressions.

If it's just white space on the ends of the text you can use trim(). As
for a regular expression...

/\s{2,}|\t/ /

Will replace 2 or more whitespace characters (tab, space) with just one
space as well as replacing one tab character \t with one space. That
works in Perl (me thinks), but you'll have to fenagle it to work with
ereg_replace() in PHP.

Note, thiw will also rip through <pre>, <textarea>, and any other tag.
It will apply to the entire string you supply it with. Unless you have
gobs of white space in your HTML there's really no point in getting rid
of it since all browsers will only display one space even if they
encounter multiple spaces. For example:


This      is    my  HTML.

Will display as...

This is my HTML.

...in any browser.


p.s. My regex is fairly weak so there could very well be a better one
for this.
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