Well, it is not possible directly, but you can try some of the following;

$cmd = "rsh -l user host command";      // remote shell
$cmd = "rpc -l user host command";      // remote procedure call
$cmd = "rexec -l user host command"; // remote exec
$cmd = "ssh host command";              // secure shell (recommended, but
not always available)
exec($cmd, $returnlines);               // your php command for one of the
foreach($returnlines as $line) echo $line."<br>";  // output results

I haven't checked the syntax of the various commands, but I think this
answers your question about a few options that might be available.  rsh,
rexec, rpc and ssh are defined best in Unix references, but many are also
available if your php server is windows based.

good luck,

Warren Vail

-----Original Message-----
From: Nathan Taylor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2003 3:48 PM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; Ivone Uribe
Subject: Re: [PHP] run a command on a remote host

When you say remote host do you mean the server executing the script or the
person accessing it?

If you mean the latter, it is not possible.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Ivone Uribe 
  Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2003 5:44 PM
  Subject: [PHP] run a command on a remote host

  How can I run a command on a remote host wiht php?

  I'm trying this line but nothing happen.
  passthru("rsh rubella
  /export/dat0/users/augur-se/bin/.upnotify -s
  1045073262-82425_net2.nextelinternational.com -u
  http://wap.peru.com -a -y D--- -i Location -n");

  I try exec and system, too

  But if I run this from the command line of my machine
  the command run rightly.

  rsh rubella /export/dat0/users/augur-se/bin/.upnotify
  -s 1045073262-82425_net2.nextelinternational.com -u
  http://wap.peru.com -a -y D--- -i Location -n

  Thanks in advance,

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