
On 12/11/2003 07:39 PM, Rolf Brusletto wrote:
I'm looking for a class that returns a rss/rdf feed with each of the items as an array, or suggestions on how to items into an array...

I am not sure if you want to generate or parse a RSS feed. Either way you may want to look at it here where there are solutions for both tasks:


Manuel - Currently, I'm using class_RSS_feed.php... which I actually pulled down (with some examples) from phpclasses.. But it dumps back some formatted html, and what I would like is an associative array.. I've been looking through the class to see if there is different output available.. but havent seen it yet... just got into the class though..

I do not know that class. Maybe you want to ask its author or try some other class in there.


Manuel Lemos

Free ready to use OOP components written in PHP

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