I just spotted this, so apologies if it's already been answered.

PHP will try to treat first in $arr[first] as a constant. if it doesn't find
a constant with this name it will treat it as a string. There may be an
error reporting level which throws this up as an error. $arr['first'] is
therefore lees ambiguous and so safer (and may even be a nano second

        Tim Ward
        Senior Systems Engineer

Please refer to the following disclaimer in respect of this message:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Yasuo Ohgaki [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 20 March 2001 08:17
> Subject: [Q] Parser behavior in a string
> I noticed that PHP4 accepts and does not raise error (notice 
> messages) for
> following code.
> $arr = array('first' => 'one');
> $str = "This is first element of array: $arr[first]";
> Question: Is this expected behavior that PHP parse w/o errors?
> If this is not a expected behavior and subject to change, I'm 
> not going to use
> array w/o ' or " for assoc arrays. Because I log all error 
> messages for
> production system including notice messages.
> Thank you.
> [Note for those who are not familiar with use of {} in PHP]
> {} can be used to resolve ambiguity not only for arrays, but 
> also for variables
> in strings.
> $str = "This is first element of array: {$arr['first']}"; // 
> works as it should.
> $str = "This is first element of array: $arr['first']"; // 
> parse error.
> You can use {} for multi-dimensional array and nested objects 
> properties in
> strings also.
> i.e. "Text {$obj->foo->var} Text" works like 'Text '. 
> $obj->foo->var .' Text'.
> --
> Yasuo Ohgaki

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