
Im having real problems working with large files in PHP. At
the moment Im trying to parse an error_log file, and it works
like a charm, except that the scipt stopps after parsing around
70.000 lines, or around 8MB of data. Im using this :

$file    = "error_log"; // 280MB file
if($fp=fopen($file, "r+"))
     // Do the business


Surely this is not the way to work with e.g. a 280MB file. I solved the
sollution by chopping the file into 7MB files, and adding a fileopen
loop around the script above which solves my problem. But ->
How do I parse the 280MB file all in 1 go?

I have plenty of timeout and plenty of RAM in the php.ini file, so the
problem isnt here.

Kim Steinhaug
There are 10 types of people when it comes to binary numbers:
those who understand them, and those who don't.

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