"Cameron B. Prince" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Basically, a directory was defined within the webserver to have a
> PerlHandler, Embperl::Object. When any page in or under that directory is
> called, Embperl::Object would look for template files in the current
> directory and go upward in the tree until they are found and
> them. There was no code or includes required within the pages themselves.

In TemplateTamer, for each page you define the class that is responsible for
handling it. In typical site you use this to build a hierarchy of pages
something like below:


You catch my drift. Then NewsPage inhertis from the UserPage, and
overides/adds functinality specific to itself, while keeping most of the
implementation from the parent UserPage.

The organization is not per directory, like in your example, but TT lets you
keep your projects files in neat bundle, and helps you with house keeping
with template files. It also lets you see your templates in tree view, sith
all variables and subtemplates.


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