
Here I've got a few related questions, which are not stated explicitly in the manual.

1. The manual says that the magic_quotes_gpc setting cannot be set at
   runtime. Is it not possible to set this setting in an ini file, and
   parse it with the parse_ini_file() function? Also, if this was
   possible, what will PHP do to the modified variables? Run the
   stripslashes() functions on all of them?

2. On a related line, are we allowed to use ini values in our ini file
   that contradict the defined ini values in php.ini? Won't this confuse
   the parser?

3. What would I do if I didn't have access to my own custom ini file,
   but could somehow get the file either by using fopen(), file() or
   file_get_contents()? Can I parse a string (or array) like an ini

4. Does parse_ini_file() allow us to specify absolute filenames of the
   form "scheme://..." from another server, if our allow_url_fopen
   is TRUE?

Thank You.

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