>Problem with looping over a CSV file (3 results for each line)?
>Here is the script...
>$row = 1;
>$file = "fa.csv";
>$id = fopen("$file","r");
>   while($data = fgetcsv($id,100,",")) {
>   $num = count($data);
>   $row++;
>     for($c = 0; $c < $num; $c++) {
>        echo "host $data[0] {<br />\nhardware ethernet $data[1];<br
>/>\nfixed-address $data[2];<br />\n}<br />\n"; }
>       }

Remove the for-loop on the 8th line.

michal migurski- contact info and pgp key:
sf/ca            http://mike.teczno.com/contact.html

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