
Wednesday, December 31, 2003, 11:45:37 AM, you wrote:
TB> Hello,

TB> I'm *very* new to PHP. I am working through the 'Professional PHP
TB> Programming' book by Worx.

TB> In their forms they use the name attribute (ie. name="example") instead of
TB> XHTML's id attribute (ie. id="example").

TB> If I use 'name' my results display on the next page after the submit
TB> button is pressed, but if I change it 'id' the results do not display.

TB> How can I fix this?

TB> Thanks
TB> Tim Burgan

id is used locally on the client and not passed when you press submit,
there is nothing wrong with using both if id is needed like

<input type="text" id="test" name="test" value=""/>


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