On Wed, 2003-12-31 at 10:59, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi
> (apologies if you've seen this, but I sent it and it both came back from
> the list server, and it bounced back as a failed email, so I'm going to
> try again)
> I'm new to the list, but I've been PHP programming for almost 2 years
> now, hard to believe.
> Anyway, I have a program that's giving me a "Cannot send session cache
> limiter", yet the very first thing the program does is session_start();
> The only thing I can think that's different about this program to others
> is that it calls itself. For instance, it outputs a form, the user hits
> 'submit' and the form action is the same prog .. there are two or three
> stages handled like this. I think that's pretty standard, right?
> The error only occurs second time around, not when I arrive at the
> program from another.
> It feels like something at the back end is saying "well, your next
> program is the same as your current one, so I won't bother resetting
> anything", leading to the error when session_start(); is called the
> second time around .. as if I'd issued session_start() halfway through a
> program.
> I'd look it up, but, err, what under? Can anyone shed some light?

What is the exact error message? It usually tells you where the guilty
line is.

- Brad

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