Hi Jason,

At the very start of the page to be outputted, even before the HTML tags, put this in.
<? php
$time = microtime();
$time = explode(" ",$time);
$microtime = $time[1]+$time[0];
$transaction_start = $microtime;

Then at the very bottom of the generated page, before the </BODY></HTML> tag:
<? php
$newtime = microtime();
$newtime = explode(" ",$newtime);
$newmicrotime = $newtime[1]+$newtime[0];
$elapsed_time = number_format(($newmicrotime - $transaction_start),3);
echo "Transaction completed in ".$elapsed_time." seconds!"

This takes into account all of the php codes executed to generate all the contents 
inbetween these two sections, including database extractions.


Floyd Piedad

Jason Granum wrote:

> I'm wanting to benchmark a single PHP page to the millisecond (if possible) that 
>basicly just will put a
> This page generated in X.XXX seconds
> at the bottom of every page.
> I've tried looking through the past messages on the group but havn't found any 
>threads relating to this. Anyone have any ideas of how to do this simple thing simply?
> Thanks

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