Ryan A wrote:
> I am using the example from the online manual:
> http://de3.php.net/manual/en/function.readfile.php
> to read a file that is in a .htaccess protected folder and pop a download
> box to the client.
> Surprisingly, after screwing around with the example code for 2 mins I got
> it working on IE and NN.
> Opera have always had one problem...instead of outputting somefile.zip it
> saves it as myPHPfileName.php
> and this is what it passes on to Download Accelerator Plus (DAP)
> 1. I am sure I am not the only one who noticed this...so...how did you
> tackle it?

        What version of Opera are you using? There
 are differences between versions plus various
 settings in the interface...Try setting Opera
 to "identify file by extension if MIME type
 is unreliable" in GUI (Alt-P for Preferences).

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Poznaj jej zwiewne kształty... http://www.opera.com 007

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