I get:

Your columns are: 102, 101, 101


The other problem with this solution is that it's for a static number of columns, however I'm looking for a solution with dynamic variables. For example, I might want 4 columns with 100 items, or six columns with 15.

Thanks for trying though.


From: Matt Grimm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Sorting data into columns vertically
Date: Wed, 07 Jan 2004 11:39:48 -0900

Try this:

// Populate an array of random length
for ($i = 0; $i < rand(300, 600); $i++) {
    $l_aTest[] = '...';
$l_iLength = count($l_aTest);
$l_iLow = floor($l_iLength / 3);
$l_iHigh = ceil($l_iLength / 3);
$l_iMod = $l_iLength % 3;

$l_iFirst  = $l_iHigh;
$l_iSecond = ($l_iMod < 2 ? $l_iHigh - $l_iMod : $l_iHigh);
$l_iThird  = $l_iLow;

echo "<p><strong>Your columns are: $l_iFirst, $l_iSecond,

Matt Grimm
Web Developer
The Health TV Channel, Inc.
(a non - profit organization)
3820 Lake Otis Parkway
Anchorage, AK 99508
907.770.6200 ext. 686
907.336.6205 (fax)
Web: www.healthtvchannel.org

"Dareal Hamsta" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> [ Please copy me off list. ]
> Say I have 7 items of data and I wish to sort them into 3 columns in a
> table. The items are unevenly sized, so rather than print them out in
rows -
> resulting in lots of wasteful whitespace - I would like to output them in
> vertical order. However if I use the modulus operator to check for when to
> break into a new column...
> foreach ($items as $item) {
> $counter++;
> if ( ($counter % $columns) == 0) {
> print "</td><td>";
> }
> }
> ...the output will be something like this...
> +-------+-------+-------+
> | Item1 | Item4 | Item7 |
> | Item2 | Item5 | |
> | Item3 | Item6 | |
> +-----------------------+
> ...when what I'm really looking for is this...
> +-------+-------+-------+
> | Item1 | Item4 | Item6 |
> | Item2 | Item5 | Item7 |
> | Item3 | | |
> +-----------------------+
> Obviously if the number of items and columns are static, I have no
> but how do I get a layout that appeals to people and not computers if
> they're dynamic? This has me befuddled, I'm wondering is there an
> for doing it or is it effectively a Turing Test.
> Thanks,
> adam
> <?php
> $s=array(74,65,112,104,112,72,32,59,45,41);
> for($i=0;$i<count($s);$i++){echo'&#'.$s[$i].';';}
> ?>
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