On Saturday, January 10, 2004, at 06:57 AM, Robin Kopetzky wrote:

Good afternoon!

I know aspell and pspell are available but pspell won't work in my Windows
environment. Does anyone know how to tie into Word's spell checker using php
or another spell check option? What I need is a way to check spelling on
city/state names and select the most appropriate if the user mangles the

Ummmm, does is Word actually capable of City/State names? To the best of my knowledge (I don't use Word), Word checks against a dictionary (US/UK/AU English, etc)... I wouldn't think these dictionaries would extend as far as all City & State names applicable for that dictionary. That's insane.

Although technically, you *could* add them all to Word's dictionary.

However, my point is, Spell-checking of City & State names isn't common, because it's too hard for the dictionaries to keep up with the list.

So, if Word can't offer this feature, why would your web application need it?

Also, given the global nature of the web, you'd have a LOT of data entry to do :)

Justin French

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