Dvdmandt wrote:

I have one Apache installed (well, 8 or 9, but one that I really use all
day), 4 PHP installs.. I have PHP 4 at C:\php, Apache at D:\Apache, PHP3 at
D:\php3, PHP5 at D:\PHP5, mysql at D:\mysql4, my webdocuments in c:\www,
D:\www2, G:\document......\....\my documents
and so on..

So if I understand correctly, you could have several of each installed on the SAME DRIVE even?

I'm thinking of creating two new folders on my C drive, then installing Apache, PHP and MySQL one at a time in the first folder, then installing that preconfigured package that seems to work so well in the second drive.

The Apache installs would be 1.3 and 2.0, but the two installations of PHP and MySQL might be the same version, for all I know. That would be really convenient!

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