On Thu, 2004-01-15 at 17:06, Carlton L. Whitmore wrote:
> I'm having problems getting the following passthru statement to work. It
> works fine with the just the grep command.
> Help!!!!  
> <?php
> echo "<pre>\n";
> passthru('/usr/bin/grep " c=2048" " c=32" " c=2" /var/log/messages |
> /usr/bin/awk "{print $1 $3 $5}" ');
> ?>

That's not going to do what your thinking it will. Use egrep instead.

$ egrep 'c-2048 | c=32 | c=2' /var/log/messages

However you can do what you want with just awk, no need to involve

$ cat /var/log/messages | awk '/c=2048|c=32|c-2/ {print $1 $3 $5}'

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