On 21 January 2004 04:01, Luke contributed these pearls of wisdom:

> ok, i read the section, but even so
> if $a == $b
> and $a == $c
> then $b should be equal to $c

No, not necessarily!
> but php is saying otherwise?


> this sounds confusing i want to try n get my head round it
> a string equals a integer of zero, and a string equals true,
> but the reason
> the bool doesnt equal the int is because when the string and
> int are compared, the string is zero (because it has no
> numerical value)? 
> did that make sense? am i right?

Well, I'm not sure 'cos I find your reasoning hard to follow...!! ;)

The essentials go like this: when performing most comparisons (==, !=, <, >,
<=, >=), if the operands are of different types then at least one of them
has a type conversion performed on it -- and it's the rules about which one
is converted that determines what the outcome will be.  The following is
based on empirical results, but I think is fairly accurate (except,
possibly, in one or two edge cases):

 * If either operand is numeric (integer or float), the
   other one is converted to the same type and the
   comparison performed.

 * If either operand is Boolean, the other operand is
   converted to Boolean and the comparison performed.

 * If both operands are strings:
   - if both are strictly representations of decimal
     numbers, convert both to numeric and compare.
   - otherwise compare as strings.

 * Otherwise (I think, but who really cares by now!)
   do exact comparison.

Note particularly the behaviour if both operands are strings -- this means
that, for example:

   '0123' == '123'   and   '0123' > '122.3'


   '0123a' != '123a'   and   '0123x' < '122.3x'

Thus, you shouldn't use loose comparisons for comparing strings if there's
*any* chance that both operands will look like numbers *and* you want a
strictly string-type comparison -- in those circumstances, strcmp() is very
much your friend. ;)



Mike Ford,  Electronic Information Services Adviser,
Learning Support Services, Learning & Information Services,
JG125, James Graham Building, Leeds Metropolitan University,
Beckett Park, LEEDS,  LS6 3QS,  United Kingdom
Tel: +44 113 283 2600 extn 4730      Fax:  +44 113 283 3211

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