Victor Spång Arthursson wrote:

Have been playing around a bit with this code, but I can't get it to work with international characters… For example, if I feed my function:

function split_bokid($bokid)
if (preg_match('/^([a-zåäö]{2,3})([0-9]{4,5}(\-[0-9]{1,2}){0,1})$/ i',$bokid,$m='')) {
return $m;
return false;

returns, with the following code:

$test = split_bokid("ääö123");

I assume you mean:

$test = split_bokid("ääö12345");

    echo $test[1];
    echo $test[2];

the values:

So, is there any way I can set the encoding on the incoming values, which will come from url's and databases, so that they don't fuck up?

I don't know. It works fine on my computer. The letters display correctly on the command line and even in Mozilla.

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