I get over a
thousand emails a day (29382 so far this month).  When I get an important
email that requires me to drag out the web browser, it immediately becomes
pretty unimportant.

not to mention the countless mails we recieved from you a couple of months ago on this mailing lists topic in both the PHP and the qmail list :-)

but seriously, Tim david knows his stuff i would listen to him.

That said, I also agree that your mail queue times will go way up if you're sending large attachments along, so if you *do* attach, it should be 1) relevant & required and 2) compact. What sort(s) of attachments are they considering? If they want HTML-ized mail with pictures and stationery backgrounds, then tell 'em to go and jump in the lake (well, when dealing with the client, who is always right, sometimes we have to be more diplomatic). If they're sending huge MS-Offends files around, strongly encourage them to re-think the presentation method and at least to strip to RTF and then zip to compress. If it's, say, a PGP signature, then congratulate them and get to work :-)

% % Thanks



Raditha Dissanayake.
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Lean and mean Secure FTP applet with | Mega Upload - PHP file uploader
Graphical User Inteface. Just 150 KB | with progress bar.

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