--- Jonathan Hilgeman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I -do- use Javascript, client-side scripting to refresh the top frame
> when some data has changed and I want the top frame to re-read it. But
> SOMETIMES refreshing it will just cause the shared session to split
> (which is the main problem I'm having). This is what I don't understand.


> It's almost like one frame "forgets" that it was already in the middle
> of a session and starts up a new session for itself.

In this case, it might be beneficial to see the HTTP transactions in
question. In particular, you would be interested in knowing whether the
browser sent the cookie with the session identifier or not. If the browser
identifies itself, then the problem is on the server (likely that the
session was prematurely expired or something).

If the browser is not properly identifying itself, then there is a
client-side issues with cookies to investigate, or you can just pass it in
the URL as you mentioned.

Hope that helps.


Chris Shiflett - http://shiflett.org/

PHP Security Handbook
     Coming mid-2004
HTTP Developer's Handbook

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