the \ has to be slashed



At 11:27 PM 1/26/2004, Paul Furman wrote:
I'm new so probably missing something easy or doing something terribly wrong but I have spent a lot of time experimenting...

  $dirstr= "./"
  include 'scandir.php';

parse error, unexpected T_INCLUDE in [the above file]

if I comment out the
$dirstr= "./"
above that error goes away and the scandir.php include runs (that's a php5 function that needs to be defined manually in PHP 4.3.4)

#scandir.php <?php #$dirstr=".\"; function scandir($dirstr) { $files = array(); $fh = opendir($dirstr); while (false !== ($filename = readdir($fh))) { array_push($files, $filename); } closedir($fh); return $files; } ?>

If I set $dirstr=".\"; in the function it gives these errors:

Parse error: unexpected $end in scandir.php at    ?> last line
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: scandir() in showdir.php

If I don't set $dirstr at all, it runs the scandir function and fouls up in expected ways:

Warning: opendir($dirstr): failed to open dir: Invalid argument in scandir.php

Warning: readdir(): supplied argument is not a valid Directory resource in scandir.php

Warning: closedir(): supplied argument is not a valid Directory resource in scandir.php

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