On 26 January 2004 16:56, Christopher J. Crane wrote:

> Ok here is the wierd thing.
> I pasted more code, it seems to not work because of me
> changing the number
> format.
> This works ...
>  if($Balance >= 10001) {
>    $Balance = number_format($Balance,2,'.',',');
>    echo "<font color=\"green\">\$$Balance</font><br>\n"; } 
>    if($Balance <= 9999) { $Balance =
>    number_format($Balance,2,'.',','); echo "<font
>    color=\"red\">\$$Balance</font><br>\n"; }  else { $Balance =
>    number_format($Balance,2,'.',','); echo "<font
> color=\"purple\">\$$Balance</font><br>\n"; } 
> This does not ...
>   $SummaryResults = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Accounting WHERE
> UserID='$UserID' LIMIT 1") or die("Invalid query");
>   while($SummaryField = mysql_fetch_array($SummaryResults)) {
>     $Balance = number_format($SummaryField["Balance"],2,'.',',');

$Balnace is now (for example) "10,000.00"; comma is not a valid character in a PHP 
number, so when interpreted as a number this will convert to 10.
>  } if($Balance >= 10001) { echo "<font
> color=\"green\">\$$Balance</font><br>\n"; }
>  elseif($Balance <= 9999) { echo "<font

10 is <= 9999 so...

> color=\"red\">\$$Balance</font><br>\n"; }
>  else { echo "<font color=\"purple\">\$$Balance</font><br>\n"; }

But I have to ask, why include all the invariant parts in every branch of your if-else 
chain?  As a general principle, I try to put only the parts that are genuinely 
different inside conditionals, so in this case I'd probably write something like:

   echo '<font color="';
   if ($Balance >= 10001):
      echo 'green';
   elseif ($Balance <= 9999):
      echo 'red';
      echo 'purple';
   echo '">$', number_format($Balance, 2, '.', ','), "</font><br />\n";



Mike Ford,  Electronic Information Services Adviser,
Learning Support Services, Learning & Information Services,
JG125, James Graham Building, Leeds Metropolitan University,
Beckett Park, LEEDS,  LS6 3QS,  United Kingdom
Tel: +44 113 283 2600 extn 4730      Fax:  +44 113 283 3211 

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