Jon Bennett wrote:
is that it tends to avoid or downgrade URI's with parameters tacked onto
the end.

Does that go for internal links in your site then ???

news.php?start=10 etc ??? Could be tricky writing dyamic pages then.

Some spiders will not visit URLs with query strings, some will. Those that will generally put a limit on the number of links they will visit of that nature on a particular site to prevent it from following possibly infinite combinations. As stated in

"We are able to index dynamically generated pages. However, because our web crawler can easily overwhelm and crash sites serving dynamic content, we limit the amount of dynamic pages we index."

Nice the way they say it's to help you not them :).

As far as your "tricky" comment goes, dynamic content does not have to look like dynamic content. Check the archives for info on how to get rid of query strings from your site.


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