Hi John

If you have a large number of Users using this system, your save map for
sessions will grow in space, using some resources

If it's very large pieces of information, i would advise you to store this
info in a database. That's doomed to be more effective.


"John Schulz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I'm planning to use a very large multidimensional array to store data
> for grouping quantities of Products.  This information needs to be
> carried from page to page in a session.  Here's a part of the array's
> hierarchy for an example:
> grouping (array)
> - owner => 'name'
> - message => 'text'
> - package (array)
> -- 1st package (array)
> --- box => $boxTypeID
> --- inspector => $employeeID
> --- contents (array)
> ---- $productID => $quantity
> So, for example, if I want to access the contents of the third package:
> $array_of_productIDs = $grouping['package'][3]['contents'];
> Great for organization, but seems prone to inefficiencies.  For
> example, I need to look though each Package for a Product ID to find
> how many of that Product that have been Packaged, compare that with the
> quantity of that Product ID in the work order, and display to the user
> the quantity that hasn't yet been packaged.
> I'm also concerned about the memory usage for such a deep array; would
> it take more memory than the same data broken up into many, simpler
> variables?
> I've thought of using simpler variables (e.g., $package1, $package2,
> $p1contents, etc.).  However, since there are many pieces of
> structurally-similar data (the Contents of a Package could have any
> number of Product IDs and and Quantities), and some elements have many
> pieces of related data (both a Box Type and Inspector for each
> Package), arrays seem to be the logical choice.
> Am I worrying about this too much?  ;-)  Are arrays the best solution
> for this sort of problem?

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