Patrick wrote:
I have an situation on my hands I have a form that I am stuck using PHP for thanks to my friends choice of hosting company, I have no idea on how to setup a form in PHP other than HTML or in Flash, I need some one any one to give me some advice on this Posted layout it seems to work but not really, I managed to get it set up but for some reason when you hit Submit and an error message goes off at the top the form is Reset. Other than that I am not sure I wrote all the code correctly.
Sorry About the long post....
Any advice would be great.
Chances are, all your variables here are going to be empty, since I'm sure the hosting company has register_globals turned off. You can use the global _POST array...
$_POST['firstname']...$_POST['lastname']...etc, etc
Also, for your 'error' messages, ahhhh, well, I would....
if ( ! isset ( $_POST['firstname'] ) ) { $message .= "Please enter your first name.<br />\n"; }
Get rid of the 'else's, and use ".=" when setting your message value so that if multiple items are not filled out, you won't be constantly overwriting the error message.
if ($submit) {
if ($firstname <= "") $message = "Please enter your first name."; else if ($lastname <= "") $message = "Please enter your last name."; else if ($homephone <= "") $message = "Please enter your home phone number."; else if ($address <= "") $message = "Please enter your current home address."; else if ($city <= "") $message = "Please enter which city you currently live in."; else if ($state <= "") $message = "Please enter which state you currently live in."; else if ($zip <= "") $message = "Please enter your zip code."; else if ($monthlypayment <= "") $message = "Please enter the amount of your monthly payment."; else if ($presentemployer <= "") $message = "Please enter the name of your present employer."; else if ($rateofpay <= "") $message = "Please enter your rate of pay."; else if ($hoursperweek <= "") $message = "Please enter the average amount of hours worked in a week."; else if ($deposit <= "") $message = "Please enter the amount of your deposit."; else if ($maxpayment <= "") $message = "Please enter an average payment your comfortable with.";
if ($message) echo ($yo);
Don't know what $yo is here...I'm guessing that you're testing something?
However, 'mail()' below here is going to crap out, and give you an error. Look here....
<snip>else { mail("[EMAIL PROTECTED]", "Form Results", "First Name $firstname", "Middle Initial $middleinital", "Last Name $lastname", "Social Security Number $ss", "Marital Status $maritalstatus", "Home Phone $homephone", "Address $address", "City $city", "State $state", "Zip $zip", "Apt Number $apt", "Time at address $monthsataddress Months $yearsataddress Years", "Type of residence $typeofres", "Monthly Payment $monthlypayment", "Current Employer $presentemployer", "Time with Employer $monthswithemployer Months $yearswithemployer Years", "Rate of Pay $rateofpay Dollars per $rateofpayper", "Hours per week $hoursperweek", "Work Phone $workphone", "Work History $workhistory", "Other Income $otherincome", "Deposit $deposit", "Maximum Payment $maxpayment", "Type of Loan $typeofloan", "Co First Name $cofirstname", "Co Middle Initial $comiddleinital", "Co Last Name $colastname", "Co Social Security Number $coss", "Co Marital Status $comaritalstatus", "Co Home Phone $cohomephone", "Co Address $coaddress", "Co City $cocity", "Co State $costate", "Co Zip $cozip", "Co Apt Number $coapt", "Co Time at address $comonthsataddress Months $coyearsataddress Years", "Co Type of residence $cotypeofres", "Co Monthly Payment $comonthlypayment", "Co Current Employer $copresentemployer", "Co Time with Employer $comonthswithemployer Months $coyearswithemployer Years", "Co Rate of Pay $corateofpay Dollars per $corateofpayper", "Co Hours per week $cohoursperweek", "Co Work Phone $coworkphone", "From: $firstname $lastname", "Subject: Online Form Application");
$message = "Thank You."; } } ?>
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