


for a change. If you don't it will never work. Not even with versions
older than 4.03pl1.


On Fri, Mar 23, 2001 at 07:03:37PM +0700, Weerapong Sirikanya wrote:
> I have problem about using session with php that have version newer than 4.03pl1.
> this is the test code.
> -----------------
> test_session.php
> -----------------
> <?php
> session_start();
> session_register("abc");
> print "\$PHPSESSID -> $PHPSESSID<br>";
> $abc = 1;
> ?>
> <A HREF="test_session2.php">test_session2</A>
> -------------------------------------------------------
> result is:
> $PHPSESSID -> 16529ad58656fc32ec826430b7b1e08b
> test_session2  
> ------------------
> test_session2.php
> ------------------
> <?php
> print "\$PHPSESSID -> $PHPSESSID<br>";
> print "\$abc   -> $abc<br>";
> ?>
> -------------------------------------------------------
> result is:
> $PHPSESSID -> 16529ad58656fc32ec826430b7b1e08b
> $abc ->  
> this is the configuration:
> Session Support enabled
> Directive                    Local Value        Master Value
> ---------                    -----------       ------------
> session.auto_start           Off               Off
> session.cache_expire        80               180
> session.cache_limiter        nocache       nocache
> session.cookie_domain      no value       no value
> session.cookie_lifetime      0                 0
> session.cookie_path          /                 /
> session.cookie_secure       Off              Off
> session.entropy_file          no value       no value
> session.entropy_length      0                0
> session.gc_maxlifetime      1440            1440
> session.gc_probability       1                 1
> session.name                   PHPSESSID    PHPSESSID
> session.referer_check        no value       no value
> session.save_handler         files             files
> session.save_path             /tmp            /tmp
> session.serialize_handler     php             php
> session.use_cookies           On              On<br clear=all><hr>Get Your Private, 
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