I am kind of stuck on a problem that I am hoping you can help with.

I am working on an application where the user can input a regular
expression into a text box on a web form.  This regular expression will
be put into a postgres database, then later into an XML file.

My dilemma is that if a user backslashes characters like +, *, etc I use
the line below to put an extra backslash on those before they go into
the database:

$rule = ereg_replace("\\\\[[:alpha:]+*/.|<>()$]", "\\\\0", $rule) ;

But if the user backslashes either a left or right bracket ([ or ]), I
am having difficulty getting that extra backslash into the string.  I
tried just adding the [ and ] characters to the line above between the
<> and () characters, but that didn't work along with several other
iterations of attempts to get it to work.

Does anyone have any ideas?  I am stuck.



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