I have the following:

<?php include('../../../db2.php');

$blat = $tue_5a;

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM classes WHERE c_d_tue='1' AND c_s_tue_1_hr='5' AND c_s_tue_1_dn='am'");

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
switch($blat) {
case tue_5a:
$min_1 = $row[29];
class title:<br><input type="text" value="<? echo "$row[c_title]"; ?>"></input><br>
class minute:<br><input type="text" value="<? echo "$min_1"; ?>"></input><br>
class description:<br><textarea><? echo "$row[c_desc]"; ?></textarea><br>

Why can I not refence the row[29] from min_1? ive tried various ways and nothing shows up unless i actually put the assoc array value. Any ideas?

It should display "50".

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