Hello John,

Friday, February 13, 2004, 7:09:47 AM, you wrote:

JN> First off, it won't install or run if you have register_globals off.

Wow, I had no idea - I've known about OScommerce for a while, but
didn't realise it needed you to turn on register_globals - that is,
quite frankly, shocking. But then again - you get what you pay for?!

JN> Second, the code looks like it was written by someone who originaly had
JN> no intention of releasing this code to the world.  It's sloppy, 
JN> unorganized, and poorly (if at all) commented.  Compare the code from an
JN> application like phpMyAdmin to OSCommerce to see what I mean.

This doesn't surprise me. It's a hard line to walk though isn't it - I
mean on the one hand we can sit here and lambast the poor quality of
the code - and on the other they're providing this for free and
offering a solution to people who cannot afford a more expensive
approach. It's sort of like PHPNuke - dear God, I've never seen code
so badly written in my entire life, it's a wonder it all hung
together. And yet look how popular it is. C'est la vie!

Best regards,
 Richard                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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