
I appreciate people get just as frustrate by reading repetative posts.

Alliare and Macromedias forums for ColdFusion and other software, allow a
search through the entire post, archive everything.  Which always avoid this
problem of a newsgroup.  Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't thing there's a search
like this for a newsgroup?

If you do happen to know, as it would appear you may, the url of the answer
to the original question, then could you simply supply it.

I'm new to this code, I appreciate any assistance, and I will troll through
archives etc to get it.  However, if some kind sole can save me 3 hours
work, I'll also appreciate it, which is probably why this list get
repetative posts.

Cheers, relax, and have a nice day.


"Jason Wong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> On Tuesday 17 February 2004 16:37, PETCOL wrote:
> What you're asking is a VERY FAQ. Something that's asked almost every
> day. The list archives will have plenty of answers.
> > What I shock, 307,000 entries returned.
> If you don't want to trawl through those search results then read the
> message again (carefully, all of it). If you still haven't figured it then
> read the manual entry for header(), every single line, then correlate what
> said with the error message.
> > Maybe someone with ability greater or other than I, should give some
> > serious consideration to a solution or work around.
> All the info you need is in the archives.
> > I've been using ColdFuion for 7 years and I can do a <cflocation
> > url="anotherlocation.htm"> anywhere in the page, no matter if I've run
> > CFML, Javascript it still works.
> You can do that as well, again, all the info you need is in the archives.
> > Sorry I'm just frustrated.
> I'm sure regulars on the list are just as frustrated at how often this
> question crops up and at how little research people do before asking
> FAQ.
> -- 
> Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates -> www.gremlins.biz
> Open Source Software Systems Integrators
> * Web Design & Hosting * Internet & Intranet Applications Development *
> ------------------------------------------
> Search the list archives before you post
> http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=php-general
> ------------------------------------------
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