I can't think of a reason for this, so I would doublecheck your
assumptions.  There is a $_SERVER variable to check the method.

You might want to put the php printenv.php page in place of your current
script to see what it says about the request method and POST variables.

- Lucas

On Tue, 17 Feb 2004, julian haffegee wrote:

> Hi all,
> I am having a nightmare accessing my POST variables. I can red them if I use
> the GET method on my form, but POST is always blank
> I have
> while( list($key, $value) = each ($_POST)){
>   print "$key  $value<br>";
> }
> print "_REQUEST: "; print_r($_REQUEST);
> print "_GET: "; print_r($_GET);
> print "_POST: "; print_r($_POST);
> at the top which tells me its not working.
> I have a workaround using perl, but I need to sort this once and for only
> uing php
> What have I forgotten?
> Please help, and thanks if you can!
> Jules
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