Why didn't I think of that :) ?
Thanks John,

"John W. Holmes" wrote:

> From: "John Taylor-Johnston" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > I want to create a language option, so the resulting html is in French or
> English, depending. But passing variables like this doesn't work:
> >
> > <?php include ("../_phpcode/byname.php?lang=fr"); ?>
> >
> > echo $lang; // 'fr'
> >
> > Warning: main(): Failed opening '../_phpcode/byname.php?lang=fr'
> >                   for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/local/share/pear')
> in
> >                   /home/users/q/qx04t9mu/www/.../parnoms.htm on line 125
> >
> > It will work if I use a URL.
> >
> > <?php include ("http://foo.com/_phpcode/byname.php?lang=fr";); ?>
> >
> > echo $lang; // 'fr'
> >
> > Ideas on how to pass a variable?
> include() code runs in the same scope as where you call include(). So you
> can do this.
> $lang = 'fr';
> include('../_phpcode/byname.php');
> and $lang will be available within the include file.
> ---John Holmes...

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