> I want to resize an image before display it in the window.
> Is there a php fonction which do it ?
> Thanks !

this will actually resize the photo,
hope it helps,

Function: resizeImageJPG
Parameters: $forcedwidth = new width of jpeg to be created
            $forcedheight = new height of jpeg to be created
                $sourcefile = original jpeg that is to be resized
                $destfile = new jpeg that is to be created
                $imgqual = image quality (0 is best quality, 100 is most compressed)
Returns: true on success, false on failure
Side Effects: creates a new jpeg of $forcedwidth*$forcedheight size
called $destfile
function resizeImageJPG($forcedwidth, $forcedheight, $sourcefile,
$destfile, $imgqual) {

   if (file_exists($g_srcfile)) {
      if(($g_is[0]-$g_fw)>=($g_is[1]-$g_fh)) {
      else {

      $imgCpRES=imagecopyresampled($img_dst, $img_src, 0, 0, 0, 0,
$g_iw, $g_ih, $g_is[0], $g_is[1]);
      $imgJPEG=imagejpeg($img_dst, $g_dstfile, $g_imgcomp);
        if ($imgJPEG) {
         return true;
         return false;
}// end function resizeImageJPG

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