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i think if the most accessed fields are much smaller than the hole thing, you can consider splitting it
whats the average size of your records?
whats the size of the fields you access the most? (check your sql's for that one...)
amount of records would influence that decision too

btw, if they are all 0/1 preferences, maybe you could put them all in a single field using set or some int type with 1 bit for each preference (int would be enough for 32 preferences flags)

Monty wrote:
I have a member DB table that has about 50 fields in it for each record. It
holds things like username, password, mailing address, and general site

I'm wondering if I will see any noticeable speed increase if I were to split
the 20+ fields that hold preferences (nearly all are single-digit 1/0
fields) out from the other fields that hold general member data, and put
them into their own table? Or maybe there's some other good reason for doing
this that I'm not aware of?

I'd actually prefer to keep it all together, because it's a lot easier to
update a single table in MySQL than several if a member makes changes to
their account or preferences.

What do you think?

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