Stanley chan wrote:

> Dear Listmates,
> I am using PEAR::MAIL and my code includes the below;
> // Send Email Out
> $mailCfg = array(
>               "host"  => "",
>               "port"  => "25",
>               "auth"  => false
>               );
> $mailRecipient = $hashValue["emailaddress"];
> $mailHeader = array(
>               "From"  => "[EMAIL PROTECTED]",
>               "To"    => $mailRecipient,
>               "Subject"       => "Test Message"
>               );
> $mailBody = $myContent;       
> $mailMgr =& Mail::factory("smtp", $mailCfg);
> $mailResult = $mailMgr->send($mailRecipient,
> $mailHeader, $mailBody);
> It is found that the variable $mailResult is always
> true but the email cannot be received whenever. 
> On the other hand, in the same machine, I can use the
> native function mail() very well. It works well.
> So I doubt the problem of PEAR::MAIL. Should I
> consider anything?
> My server is using Qmail and sendmail command is a
> shortcut of Qmail executes (standard way).
> Please help.
> -stan
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> 必殺技、飲歌、小星星...
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I would suggest using the sendmail or mail backends to PEAR::Mail
instead of smtp since those seem to work fine on your machine.

$mailMgr = Mail::factory('mail');

paperCrane <Justin Patrin>

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