
Friday, February 27, 2004, 4:48:20 AM, you wrote:
SG> Hi,

SG> I don't know if it's a bug in php but if I do

SG> $fp=fopen("some_file","r");
SG> while (!feof($fp))
SG> {
SG>     fscanf($fp, "%d %d",&$var1,&$var2);
SG>     // some treatment
SG> }
SG> fclose($fp);

SG> and the file is big enough, php eat up memory like hot cakes.
SG> But if I do

SG> $fp=fopen("some_file","r");
SG> while (!feof($fp))
SG> {
SG>     $line = fscanf($fp, "%d %d");
SG>     list ($var1, $var2) = $line;
SG>     // some treatment
SG> }
SG> fclose($fp);

SG> It work just fine.  Seems a problem with fscanf.

SG> Has someone ever experienced this?  Any advises?

SG> Oh btw I'm using php 4.3.4 with Apache 1.3.29

SG> Thanks in advance

SG> Sébastien Guay

SG> _________________________________________________________________
SG> MSN Search, le moteur de recherche qui pense comme vous !  
SG> http://fr.ca.search.msn.com/

Thats not the way to use scanf, I think you are doing a scanf for each
line in the file. It should be something like:

while(fscanf($fp, "%d %d",&$var1,&$var2)){
    //... do something with the values


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